Tuesday, September 22, 2015

UN report: 15,000 civilians killed in Iraq

The number of deaths in Iraq caused by the Iraq war has intense by an controversy, as politics,and a clamor for public awareness has intersected in a heat of debate of conflicting interests. The latest and perhaps the most accurate survey, which was released Tuesday, puts the figure at close to 500,000. Furthermore, a collaboration of researchers in the U.S., said "Canada and Iraq appearing in the journal PLoS Medicine — included a survey of 2,000 Iraqi households in 100 geographic regions in Iraq. Researchers used two surveys, one involving the household and another asking residents about their siblings, in an attempt to demonstrate the accuracy of the data they were collecting." After collecting this data from the surveys, the researchers concluded about 405,000 deaths, also another 55,800 projected deaths from an extensive migration in and emigration from Iraq occurring from an result of war. They estimated that 60% of the deaths were violent, with the other 40% occurring of health-infrastructure issues that arose of an result of the invasion. The point the researchers emphasized in discussing their research is "since the figure is higher than those found in previous studies."
My reaction to this article is its pretty amazing to see that these figures of studies is higher than those found in previous studies. And I must say that war must stop its claiming thousands of lives of innocent men, women, and children. They are being rip from there houses and being killed. It just doesn't make sense why they want to kill people that aren't involved with the war. They are just trying to escape the war so they can live a better life where they aren't in fear of dying.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Truck bomb kills scores at market in Baghdad's Sadr City


It happen on a Thursday morning in a popular Baghdad food market killing at least 67 people. The "police officials said, in on of the deadliest single blasts in the Iraqi capital in years". Also nearly 152 people were wounded at the market which was the main centre for food and produce sales in Baghdad. Right after the accident residents of the Shiite community rush to the scene of the accident carrying the dead people in trash bags and sending the wounded people to the closest hospital. The truck that caused the explosion was a refrigeration truck, so it was hard to distinguish it from the other trucks that were delivering produce to the market. At first no one step forward to claim that it was them who did it "but Islamic State militants commonly target military checkpoints or predominantly Shiite neighborhoods such as Sadr City, with the goal of sending a message to the Shiite-dominated government in Baghdad."

My reaction to this horrific scene is just why would somebody want to harm innocent people. Its so crazy just to see how many people were injured and killed, 67 people died and 152 were injured. And this article makes you think it could have been children who got killed, women, and men. Also the market place was a main centre for food and produce sales in Baghdad, where will they go to get food for the week because its says in the article "The blast incinerated much of the market, leaving charred wooden market stalls and scattering fruits and vegetables far around it." Further more, in the article one of the officers said "On Thursdays the market is especially crowded because people come from the other provinces to stock up on food for the weekend." I just wondered what was going on in the person mind when he set the explosion off.