Friday, April 15, 2016

Again in the city south of Baghdad ISIS has claimed again responsibility for another suicide attack which it at least killed at most 35 people and about 105 were wounded in the bombing attack. Which ISIS targeted one of the busiest places in Hilla. One of the police said that the roads beyond Hilla takes you to a Shiite Hole cities of Najaf and Karbala. Which about hundreds of thousands of Shiites visit those two cities every year. The bomber was driving a truck full of explosives and not only men were killed but among them were women and children were killed and wounded. A lot of vehicles were damaged and destroyed. ISIS-affiliated Amaq news agency took responsibility of the attack in a twitter and tweeted by several ISIS supporters. They said "Shiites should know the battle has just started and the coming is worse and more bitter, God Willing," ISIS said in the statement." Lastly heres a little about Hilla its the capital of The Babylon province, and its a predominantly Shiite region about 100 kilometers (60 miles) from Baghdad.

My reaction is sadness to hear this again these are innocent people they do not deserve to died not did just men died or get wounded but it was women and children who got killed or wounded. I'm sorry but ISIS needs to be stop this can not go on much longer having people die everyday. The bombing must stop its destroying homes, vehicles, cities, and market. So I pray that soon that the people of those cities will be filled with hope that there's going to be that day when the city will be different and no more innocent people dying.

Friday, April 1, 2016


The national flower of Iraq is the rose:

The national animal of Iraq is a goat and a golden eagle:

The national bird of Iraq is a Chukar Partridge:

The flag of Iraq looks like:

The national anthem of Iraq:

Reaction: My favorite thing is the national flower because a rose symbolizes hope, new beginnings, and promise. And think that country really believes that there is hope even through all this killing of innocent people. To me when people in Iraq see a rose it might symbolizes that there is a hope and new beginnings to change the country around. "Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all
of the darkness."-Desmond Tutu Cause God doesn't give you more than you can handle because "you cab do all things through him who gives you strength"-Philippians 4:13