Thursday, March 3, 2016

ISIS claims responsibility for two deadly attacks in Iraq

It happen on a monday and about 30 people were killed in two different  bombing attacks at public places. One place where a bombing took place was in al-Miqdadiya, which is northeast of Baquba, there about 25 people died or were wounded badly in a cafe. The suicide bombers who did this erupt their explosive vests and a car bomb blew up. Then the second attack happen in a shopping mall in Baghdad, there eight people were killed which sadly this includes a child, and about 20 people were wounded. But eventually the security forces and SWAT team arrived, and they fought and sealed where the armed men were, and they killed all the attackers and freeing all the hostages. In the end of all of this ISIS claimed the responsibility for the two bombings that happen in a statement posted on its media site.

My reaction to this is that I'm very sadden to hear this these people did nothing and they died just because of ISIS likes the feeling of pretty much killing innocent people for fun. And also a child was killed and that'a just not right.

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