Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Dia Azzawi (b. 1939)

Source- http://theculturetrip.com/middle-east/iraq/articles/10-contemporary-artists-from-iraq-you-should-know/

Dia Azzawl is the most recognized, celebrated, living Iraqi artist. He first came to London in 1976, where he stayed and continued to develop his unique style that Idenifiable as his own. He's one of the most influentual artist working todauy who was born in time to witness the avant-garde artistic community in Iraq crumble. He wrote the manifesto Towards a New Vision. He seeks inspiration from numerous sources which include Sumerian sculpture, archaeology, Picasso, and the most important one is the political tension of the Middle East. His most famous works is Sabra and Chatila Massacre (1982-1983). "His response to
the carnage in the refugee camps in Beirut leaves a distinct quality that is
hard to match; on the huge three-metre long canvas, there is no heroism and no
hope, only bloated, distorted and grotesque figures. Simply put, Azzawi’s
ability to completely open the power of cruel conflicts exudes itself on his
most extraordinary painting."
Sunny Day, 2009, Acrylic on wood

 My reaction to this was eye opening because it was kinda cool to see where he got his inspiration for his painting. And also that he was the most infuentual artist working today. Lastly the coolest thing I thought was cool was that he develop his unique style that is idenifiable as his own.

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