Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Sinister ISIS plot kills 120, wounds 140 in Iraq

Source- http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/18/middleeast/iraq-violence/index.html

It was a hot summer heat in Iraqi when a suicide bomber with an ice truck witch killed more than 1-- people to their death on friday. Which can you guess ISIS was held responsible for the bombing in Khan Bani Saad, making it the deadliest acts of terror the group claimed. So shoppers busied the open market when a mean driving a ice truck claiming to be selling ice not even selling that but offering a discount since it was the holiday. Even though it was night the temp. was around 35 degrees celsius which is 95 degrees Fahrenheit, so the ice truck was the hit of the day according to the police. The ice was visible in the truck, and the person driving the truck looked legitimate--but according to the police said there was at least one ton of explosives hidden beneath. When the disaster happen videos were posted all over social media which showed horrific scenes of dead bodies, fires, and debris over a wide area. When morning came a large crater could be seen in the street where the ice truck exploded. Its is very sad to say but by Saturday the death toll risen to 120 and 140 people were injured in the explosion but it could go up. The White House issued on the morning after the explosion that its time "to bring an end to ISIS."

My reaction to this is sicking because this explosion killed innocent people where they thought when buying ice that they would be able to go home but no it was the day they were going to die or suffer great injured people. And it makes me sicker to know that ISIS was the one behind this deadliest act of terror ever. ISIS must be stop to save all these innocent people from dying and help saving the places they live.

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