Friday, April 15, 2016

Again in the city south of Baghdad ISIS has claimed again responsibility for another suicide attack which it at least killed at most 35 people and about 105 were wounded in the bombing attack. Which ISIS targeted one of the busiest places in Hilla. One of the police said that the roads beyond Hilla takes you to a Shiite Hole cities of Najaf and Karbala. Which about hundreds of thousands of Shiites visit those two cities every year. The bomber was driving a truck full of explosives and not only men were killed but among them were women and children were killed and wounded. A lot of vehicles were damaged and destroyed. ISIS-affiliated Amaq news agency took responsibility of the attack in a twitter and tweeted by several ISIS supporters. They said "Shiites should know the battle has just started and the coming is worse and more bitter, God Willing," ISIS said in the statement." Lastly heres a little about Hilla its the capital of The Babylon province, and its a predominantly Shiite region about 100 kilometers (60 miles) from Baghdad.

My reaction is sadness to hear this again these are innocent people they do not deserve to died not did just men died or get wounded but it was women and children who got killed or wounded. I'm sorry but ISIS needs to be stop this can not go on much longer having people die everyday. The bombing must stop its destroying homes, vehicles, cities, and market. So I pray that soon that the people of those cities will be filled with hope that there's going to be that day when the city will be different and no more innocent people dying.

Friday, April 1, 2016


The national flower of Iraq is the rose:

The national animal of Iraq is a goat and a golden eagle:

The national bird of Iraq is a Chukar Partridge:

The flag of Iraq looks like:

The national anthem of Iraq:

Reaction: My favorite thing is the national flower because a rose symbolizes hope, new beginnings, and promise. And think that country really believes that there is hope even through all this killing of innocent people. To me when people in Iraq see a rose it might symbolizes that there is a hope and new beginnings to change the country around. "Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all
of the darkness."-Desmond Tutu Cause God doesn't give you more than you can handle because "you cab do all things through him who gives you strength"-Philippians 4:13

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Iraq's only ballet and music school faces funding crisis

Iraq's only ballet and music school which has lasted through decades of war, also sanctions and dictatorship. Now faces a bigger problem which is funding this is due to low oil prices and the costly war against the Islamic State group. On the current boys and girls in their leotards and ballet shoes warm up on the bar and the other room of boys and girls who play in an orchestra, also tuning cellos and plucking notes on a Middle Eastern string instrument know as ouds. Even though their problem is funding the ballet teachers and orchestra teachers still get paid but the funds for buying equipment and instrument are drying up, which is leading the teachers to cancelled of performances. Which is raising concerns for the school, that one day the school may only serve the wealthy or close altogether which was originally was based on talent alone. One of the teachers who studied at the school for ballet as a little girl and now is an instructor her name is Leezan Salam fears for the future of arts in Iraq. She saids "Our situation is very difficult". The school of ballet and music was first built in 1969, when the funding wasn't a problem because of a party named Saddam Hussein's secular
party until it failed by it was imposed on the country following the gulf war in 1991. But in time the fortunes for the schooled improved after 2003 when the U.S-led invasion, when the economy began to recover, so the school remained opened during the worst of the sectarian fighting that erupted three years later. Unfortunately Iraq got caught in a war between the Islamic State group, which it controls pretty much all of the country's north and west, also struggling with a refugee crisis. So they needed $4 billon a month to pay employees of the government, which oil prices near record lows, so the income is only half that, that officials predicted a budget deficit of more than $30 billion.  Which Baghdad is having problems to make the ends meet, and that's when people are starting to fear for the arts because that's what will be the first to go. Which a lot of people say all these governments care about politics and religion. The ballet and music school had in years past relied on donations from the embassies, cultural institutions and private donors abroad. The budget this year is only just a quarter it was three years ago. Its very sad  to say that the applications are very high, like almost 200 students had to be turned away because the school simply didn't have the space. The school is not like a normal school because the instruments, costumes, and ballet shoes cost more money than just textbooks. So for a years worth of supplies and maintenance for the school coast $45,000. In the beginning of the article I talking about how the teachers had to cancel performs well its because they don't have the necessary costumes or instrument. Salam saids "Fears the cost of losing the arts could be far higher. Without this school, Iraq would have a whole generation that's less accepting, less open minded. This school helps people learn to accept, it will ensure us a more peaceful future. at least that's what I hope.

My reaction to this is deeply sadden because I play and instrument and I dance. To mean I think it's something you can do to get your mind off whats going on in your life and just have fun for once and forget whats going on in the world. To me I think his school probally means a lot to them its like a safe haven its somewhere they can go and do what they love and not worry about the wars going on.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

ISIS claims responsibility for two deadly attacks in Iraq

It happen on a monday and about 30 people were killed in two different  bombing attacks at public places. One place where a bombing took place was in al-Miqdadiya, which is northeast of Baquba, there about 25 people died or were wounded badly in a cafe. The suicide bombers who did this erupt their explosive vests and a car bomb blew up. Then the second attack happen in a shopping mall in Baghdad, there eight people were killed which sadly this includes a child, and about 20 people were wounded. But eventually the security forces and SWAT team arrived, and they fought and sealed where the armed men were, and they killed all the attackers and freeing all the hostages. In the end of all of this ISIS claimed the responsibility for the two bombings that happen in a statement posted on its media site.

My reaction to this is that I'm very sadden to hear this these people did nothing and they died just because of ISIS likes the feeling of pretty much killing innocent people for fun. And also a child was killed and that'a just not right.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Music and Artist of Iraq


Type of music 
Maqam which refers to melodic modes and when the musician plays the maqam performance, he or she must improvise, based on the rules. There are many divergent maqams, each of them have its own mood and characteristics. There about about fifty to seventy maqam, and many of which have sub-styles.
Pop Music which Iraq means musical motifs and lyrics which date back centuries but then its usually performed with a blend of traditional and modern instruments. Popular musician like Ilham al-Madfai when he plays he features the electric guitar and saxophone, but uses the instruments to reinterpret age-old folk songs.
*Female Singers- Shatha Hassoun mostly plays Iraqi Music (pop, rock, soul, and urban contemporary) Arabic, world. Music video-

Image result for Shatha Hassoun

Rahma Mezher mostly plays Iraqi Music (pop, rock, soul, and urban contemporary) arabic, world. Music video-
Image result for Rahma Mezher

Male Singers
Majid al-Muhandis- Arabic music and pop music. Music video-
Image result for Majid al-Muhandis

Ashur Bet Sargis- Assyrian pop music. Music Video-
Image result for Ashur Bet Sargis

Image result for acrassicaudaAcrassicauda is a heavy metal band which was formed in 2001. Music video-

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Iraq conflict: Shia 'reprisals' after bomb kills 20 in cafe

It happen on a Monday in a cafe which killed 20 people in Muqdadiya. Also on on that monday local Sunnis were murdered, and the shops they owned and homes were destroy. One of the groups is call Jihadist Islamic State (IS) which they often target Iraqi Shia, said it was behind the cafe blasts. Also on that monday in the evening, IS militants killed 18 people at a shopping centre in a predominantly Shia eastern district of the capital called Baghdad. Some person called Mr Abbadi said the murderous attacks were a hopeless attempt by the group to compensate for setbacks it had suffered on the battlefield. But these murderous bombings are enraging sectarian tensions in sensitive mixed areas, says the BBC's Jim Muir in Baghdad. The double bombing at Muqdadiya cafe killed about 20 people who were mostly Shia militiamen who were from the paramilitary Popular Mobilisation forces who were battling IS in western and northern Iraq. Later that day the Shia militiamen had later gone on a riot against Sunnis in Muqdadiya, summarily which killed at least three men form the central al-Asiri district. Also they blew up seven houses that day in al-Asiri and they also set fire to about 36 shops in their main market. They didn't stop there they also set fire to six Sunni mosques across the town. The Shia militias in Iraq have also been accused of killing and kidnapping of some Sunni civilians since IS seized control of large swathes in Iraq in June 2014. Then on Tuesday about four people were killed in a bombing which was a suicide bombing.

My reaction to this is that I'm angry because they are killing people who have done nothing and its just upsetting that they killed people for fun. Which it also makes me mad is that the these people who died you don't know if they were married and had kids, or it was kids getting killed. Let me said who ever these people were they had family that will never get to see them again.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Masgouf is a seasoned grilled fish called carp and is the national food for Iraq. Main city in Iraq which is Baghdad prides its self for making the best Masgouf, "with its famous Ebû Newâs district on the shores of the Tigris river, "dedicated" to this dish, with more than two dozen fish restaurants." Futhermore you can find Masgouf all over Iraq. So how they prepare this dish is that the fish is alive when they buy it and then its clubbed to death after the costumer buys it, split down the middle and is cleaned and spread out to a single flat piece. "•2 lbs. fillet white fish Vegetable oil 1 lg. tomato, diced 1 med. onion, diced 1 c. celery, diced 2 cloves garlic, minced Parsley sprigs 1 tbsp. curry powder 1 tbsp. white vinegar 1/2-1 tsp. salt (to taste) 1/8-1/4 tsp. pepper (to taste) 2 tbsp. lemon juice The Masgouf recipe is very detailed and should be prepared with care. The steps into making Masgouf fish require special attention to the amount proportion to insure a delicious dish."
My reaction too this is that i would not eat it because I do not like fish and also its kinda gross to know that it was alive when u bought. So i would not even try a little bit.

Maqluba which when its translated means "upside-down. This dish usually has meat, rice, and assortment of fried vegetables then they place it in a pot or some baking dish. After its done cooking they flip the baking dish upside down and then its served. And this dish is usually served with yogurt or Arab salad.
My reaction to this is I would eat this if it was made with chicken and not lamb. It almost looks like fried rice and yes wish I had some now.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Sinister ISIS plot kills 120, wounds 140 in Iraq


It was a hot summer heat in Iraqi when a suicide bomber with an ice truck witch killed more than 1-- people to their death on friday. Which can you guess ISIS was held responsible for the bombing in Khan Bani Saad, making it the deadliest acts of terror the group claimed. So shoppers busied the open market when a mean driving a ice truck claiming to be selling ice not even selling that but offering a discount since it was the holiday. Even though it was night the temp. was around 35 degrees celsius which is 95 degrees Fahrenheit, so the ice truck was the hit of the day according to the police. The ice was visible in the truck, and the person driving the truck looked legitimate--but according to the police said there was at least one ton of explosives hidden beneath. When the disaster happen videos were posted all over social media which showed horrific scenes of dead bodies, fires, and debris over a wide area. When morning came a large crater could be seen in the street where the ice truck exploded. Its is very sad to say but by Saturday the death toll risen to 120 and 140 people were injured in the explosion but it could go up. The White House issued on the morning after the explosion that its time "to bring an end to ISIS."

My reaction to this is sicking because this explosion killed innocent people where they thought when buying ice that they would be able to go home but no it was the day they were going to die or suffer great injured people. And it makes me sicker to know that ISIS was the one behind this deadliest act of terror ever. ISIS must be stop to save all these innocent people from dying and help saving the places they live.